Thursday, February 19, 2009



As work is defined in the CA-7 database, dependencies (pre-execution or predecessor requirements) can be established so that work is not initiated until these dependencies are satisfied. Any job under the control of CA-7 can have predecessor requirements. CA-7 does not submit the job until all requirements are satisfied even though time scheduling criteria has been met.

The main categories of predecessor requirements are as follows:
· Successful completion of predecessor jobs
· Availability of data sets
· Date/time window
· Completion of an input network
· Mutual exclusivity with other jobs
· Specified manual activities such as JCL overrides and manual verifications
· Presence of other jobs in the CA-7 queues

What does the LEADTM value on the Requirement Definition mean?

LEADTM - Specifies satisfaction lead time in hours.

Values are the following:
· 0 - Specifies that the predecessor job must have started and completed successfully since the last run of the dependent job.

· Nn - Specifies that since the last run of this job, the predecessor job has started and completed successfully within the last nn hours.
Values for nn can be 1 to 98.

· 99 - Specifies that the requirement is never considered initially satisfied when this job enters the request queue. The dependent job must complete normally while this job is in the request queue.

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